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"Zhong Guo Zhi Zao" Bud Vase

by Mike

I'm not looking to strike it rich or anything but I picked this up for my girlfriend and she is curious of the history and age of the vase. Best I can tell through research is that it possibly from the 1950's and was a mass marketed piece that "looks" hand painted, but probably isn't. Any help or info is greatly appreciated.

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Jul 22, 2011
by: Mike

Thanks!! The enamel is raised so I guess it's hand painted. She likes it and that's all thats important.

Jul 22, 2011
by: peter

Hi Mike,
You are right. But I would like to say it this way.
It can be from the 50s at the earliest. Firstly, because it says Zhongguo-zhi, and secondly because it uses simplified characters. Communist China implemented the use of simplified characters in 1956.
This is a famille rose vase. I can't tell you exactly from when in the second half of the 20th century this is, but I think rather later than the 50s.
If the surface is smooth, it could be printed. If it is uneven the enamels could be hand-painted. If you look at it with a magnifier you can recognize individual brush strokes, usually.

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