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What books do you recommend?

by J.Lim

Hi Peter
I am sort of a newcomer to Chinese porcelain collecting. I am trying to build a library of books. I have already got the following:

Li, He, "Chinese Ceramics"

Wood, Nigel, "Chinese Glazes"

Sjostrad, Sten, "The Wanli Shipwreck"

Hobson, "Handbook of the Pottery and Porcelain of the Far East", dated 1937

What books would you recommend? I'm particularly looking for books that deal with spotting fakes, and maybe focussed on blue-and-white.


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Oct 19, 2011
by: peter

You already have more English books than me. The only other one in English I own is related to Straits Chinese porcelain.

Mostly, I buy my books via the web in China or Taiwan, and they are in Chinese. If you do read Chinese, you have a larger selection available ...

What I would recommend to add to your library is something about export porcelain, with lots of pictures of 18th century porcelain. Could be useful, especially as some decorations and shapes are quite different from those used in China.

I'm particularly looking for books that deal with spotting fakes, and maybe focussed on blue-and-white.
I don't know of any source with information of that type, except that on this site.

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