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by marisha

I have a vase that comes with a lid.I bought that vase in thrift shop a while ago.It has a picture of a peacock that is beautifully colored in diffrent shades of blue, white and gold. there are also various flowers that are painted in same colors.My adult children are saying that I brought an urn
On the bottom there is a mark of little panda circled by gold wreath.I dont have a picture but perhaps that panda marking will be enough.Can you kindly let me know anything about it. Thank you so much.

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Jan 24, 2012
by: peter


Western people often call Chinese porcelain jars urns, even different types. Mostly they are not really urns in the sense of the word.

The only one well-known that once has been one are the so called "temple jars". These are known to have been used for the ashes of Buddhist monks hundreds of years ago. But, apparently the jars were appealing to the esthetic senses of the Chinese. Already in the Qing dynasty these jars were used mainly for decorative purposes only.

I got the feeling that I have seen a mark with a Panda, but it is probably more recent. If there is a wreath there is a good probability that it is not Chinese, perhaps Japanese.

Jan 24, 2012
Panda in wreath pottery mark
by: Ruby

Yes I have a piece of china with this mark on too. I think it was bought for me in the 1960/70's.
Have you had any luck finding out about this?

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