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Unusual simple rectangular cobalt vase marked CHINA

by Chris

I would appreciate any information on this piece. It measures 6 1/2" X 4 3/4" X 3". It looks like it was slab built, with clay pressed into the corners. It is cobalt blue with a turquoise interior.

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Nov 24, 2011
Thank you, Peter!
by: Chris

I love it for it's simplicity. It has set me on a path of collecting monochromatic pieces. This is the only one with square corners!

Nov 24, 2011
rectangular vase
by: peter

With this I can only guess as monochromous wares have fewer points of reference for judging age.
Basically, it seems to be old.
Judging from the tone of the blue glaze and the mark used, this could be from the late Qing dynasty or early republic.
The mark also fits this picture.
In my view this is an antique item probably from the first quarter of the 20th century.

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