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by Elena iovleva
(Brewster, MA, USA)

Hello! I have a very strange thing. It seems to be a Chinese ceramics, but it`s shape is very strange. I have no idea what could it be. Please, help me to identify it and I also will appreciate additional info about that thing if possible. Thank you, Elena

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Dec 29, 2011
Thank you so much!
by: Elena Iovleva

Hello dear Peter! Thank you so much for the comments and useful info about longevity peach. I appreciate this so much! Thank you, and Happy New Year!!!

Dec 27, 2011
longevity peach
by: peter

What you have is a very auspicious decorative object in Chinese culture. It depicts a peach. The peach is a symbol of longevity for the Chinese, and the character you have on one side means just that: "longevity". The scenery is just some additional decoration.
If you do a Google image search for "longevity peach" you will find lots of pictures of delicacies made in the shape of the longevity peach. They are a must as a gift on certain occasions.
Believe it or not, but Chinese peaches do actually have a tip as shown, quite unlike western peaches. But, the tip is not always that pronounced or well formed as with this porcelain item. According to Wikipedia the peach originated in China.
Your auspicious peach is obviously modern.

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