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Unknown Mark

by Clara

Hi, can you help me with this plate? it has some unknown mark above the plate. wonder what it is. is that plate from china and is that antique or fake?
Thank you for the help

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Sep 10, 2011
by: Clara

Hi Peter,
Thank you for the feedback, appreciate it.

Sep 09, 2011
type of plate
by: Anonymous

Peter My wife looked at this as she passed the computer and smiled then told me that it was a modern day Churchill plate...?

Sep 06, 2011
by: peter

Hello Clara,
I cannot see the mark, it is too small.
It is not Chinese, only the central motif is.
This is either Japanese or European Chinoiserie, and I got the impression I saw it before among European porcelain.
It seems to be transfer printed, not hand painted.

If it is European, I would try to find a list of European marks on the Internet and see if you can identify it. Unfortunately, we have no knowledge of European items.

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