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Trying to identify vase

by Brendan
(New York, NY)

whole vase

whole vase

Hello -- I recently purchased a home and this vase was among some items left behind by the previous owner. Before I give it away, I wanted to make sure this wasn't a genuine antique with some monetary value. The bottom of the vase has a broken wax seal that appears to have some Chinese lettering on it. Can you tell from these photos whether there's anything special here? Thanks!

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Oct 02, 2011
by: peter

You have indeed an antique vase.
This is a celadon blue and white vase from the late Qing dynasty (1644-1911).

If you do a Google image search with "celadon blue and white" you will see a number of vases of similar type.
The wax seal is unrelated. These are attached to cultural artifacts in China, to show customs that the item may be exported.

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