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Trinket Box

by Dave
(Spring Hill Fl.)


I am waiting for this to come to me, but I can't wait to see if you have looked at it before.

It is 5"x4"x2"
Engraved silver(plate)and fired top, that is all I know right now.

Best Regards
Spring Hill Fl.

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Feb 13, 2012
by: peter

These items are made because some people (westerners, presumably) buy them. They are made the same way as the porcelain pendants for necklaces, etc. are made, using shards. They have little collecting value, in my view, except for the metal work, which is worth more than the shards. The price on the site is quite stiff in my opinion. I would think about one tenth would be more reasonable. After all, work in China is still very cheap.
Excavations in China, archaeological or just for building purposes produce sometimes tens of thousands of shards. Except for research and as standard shards for collectors for comparison, they cannot be used.

But still, be careful. Even fake shards are produced and sold!!! You cannot tell for sure from the pieces inlaid in such items whether the shard is genuine or fake.

Feb 13, 2012
More Info
by: Dave


I found a box very close to mine. The metalwork seems to be the same. My question to you is, and I understand you don't offer any values, but in your opinion is one with the deco as mine has more collectable then this one that is just art?

item C0006.

As always Thank you for your input.

Jan 18, 2012
Thank you Peter
by: Dave


Thak you and as always I am not in any hurry. If you get a chance whenever it would be nice just to see if by chance they are from the same maker, or just style.

Enjoy your New Year ! Luck and happiness always.

Jan 16, 2012
Trinket Box
by: Dave

D. thank you for your input. I am new to this all and any help is wonderful.

Peter, when you get a chance could you send me a photo of your rim and I might be able to see if the engraving is close.

I need time for that. We are just before the Chinese New Year and are very busy. I have no pictures ready at hand.

Jan 16, 2012
trinket box
by: dewayne k

Although I am not expert,peter is right,it is almost impos- to tell anything for sure jst with pic's. But I am seeing on the lid I would presume just to the uper left of mark,looks to me like a few natural flaws that would have had to happen during original firing,very hard to make out for sure,but one thing deff- it is very nice trinket box. I wish I could hold it.and inspect to know for sure if it is 100percent:)

Jan 15, 2012
by: peter

I have seen many boxes of this type, but it is impossible to tell from photos whether the porcelain is authentic or not.
The porcelain would be a shard from a wedding jar, but these jars are still produced now, and we know that even fake shards are traded now, in China. Thus, I suspect that they now use both old and new shards suitable for reworking them into such boxes. It is difficult to tell for sure if the shard is genuine, depending on the ype of porcelain used, but the metal work looks fine.
It actually looks similar at that on one of my own items, that is for sure. Could have been made at the same place.

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