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the emperor gift?

by Kopi

Hi Peter,

I really need your help to identify this yellow jar. It has a picture of phoenix and lotus, and also a six handles (which is rare as I survey most of chinese jar doesn't have a handle or just two handles). Oh, and a picture of smiling buddha on the handle.

No mark at the bottom, just a small hole.

(about the title, I suppose that the Chinese ginger jar designated as a gift for the Emperor was a yellow coloured jar)

I wondering from which dynasty this jar came from, or it just a fake jar? Thank you very much!

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Nov 03, 2011
oh I see
by: kopi

Hi Peter,

Indeed, the auction's item are really fine art. So my jar is modern and not more than 100 years old. Thanks for your reply. :-)

Nov 01, 2011
by: peter

Hi, I think this is a 20th century creation. The person(s) painting this didn't know much about traditional Chinese colors and patterns, probably.

Before you think that an item might be imperial you should have a good look at some of the closeup photographs of items sold at auction. They are usually nearer to that level of quality. That means they are much more finely worked.

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