Site News

Site and Forum users please provide feedback here.

In the past three or four years I spent about two weeks of fulltime work each year answering questions in the forum and via email, answering approx. one thousand new queries each year. It is now a bit too much for one person to handle both, the forum and at the same time manage the site.

Your feedback is valuable and helps me decide on the direction this site is going in the future. Please provide feedback via form below.

I would like to hear whether the site and current forum has provided any help or assistance to your porcelain related search, and if and what you would like to have improved.

A special thanks to all users who have been kind enough to provide feedback.

Site Feedback

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Subscribe to Newsletter

The newsletter provides additional information not contained in this website.
It will be sent out now and then, in irregular intervals.

Among other this will also include little pieces of information from my scrap book notes, collected over the years. These contain details not usually mentioned in Chinese ceramics books. They will be listed in no specific order, many relating to pre-Ming ceramics, and may also be of interest for more advanced collectors.

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