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Silver Chinese teapot

by Annemarie
(Wales UK)



Dear Peter, I have a very cute Chinese teapot, it appears to be silver on brass and the inside, especially of the spout, is incredibly built up with some kind of deposit, there is also a lot of green on the metal inside. It weighs approx. 1lb 8oz or 600g and measures about 4 inches to the top of the lid c.10cm and 5 1/2 inches 14cm width to the tip of the spout. A Chinese lady acquaintance who is a teacher of Chinese, has looked at it and says is is Qing period and the markings say made for the Emperor by the workers and the symbols round the side depict happiness in heaven and on earth. This is a very rough translation of what I was told and I would be very grateful to receive more precise information on the marks etc. and a possible age. I attach photographs for you to see. Kind regards, Annemarie

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Feb 17, 2012
not Qing
by: James

Hi Annemarie,

This white metalic pot is decorated with boys playing, and a cover with words and a lion knob. The bottom has an impressed seal mark that says "Great Qing Imperial Production".

Fisrt of all, this mark is suspicious because it does not state the reign of the emperor, such as Qianlong or KuangXu.

The second picture shows 2 Chinese characters. The left one is heaven. And if I am correct, the right one is 欢, or joy, but it is a simplified character which started to be used after 1950's, a good 40 years after the Qing dynasty ended in 1911.

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