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Seven rim Vase. Qianlong mark?

by Quinton
(Las Vegas, NV, USA)

Hi, I picked up this vase at Goodwill. It was filthy and had hard water deposits inside but I thought it looked unusual and I couldn't resist buying it. It feels thick and heavy. Looking down the smaller rims, you can see the cross section where the vase was cut open and connected to them before glazing. I tried to find the mark in some online libraries and from what I can tell, it seems to have several characteristics in common with marks that were identified as saying (or being) "Da Qing Qianlong Nian Zhi". I could be way off. I was hoping you could tell me more about it.

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Sep 29, 2011
Thanks for your help
by: Quinton

Peter, Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts on this piece. It is much appreciated, Q

Sep 28, 2011
by: peter

The vase resembles somewhat what they call a "tulip vae" in the west. However, both mark, shape and decoration seem to indicate that it was made recently. That means it is not antique.

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