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set of china need help with makers mark

by Loree dietrich

Inherited a set of China, Gold rimmed white with pink, purple & light blue flowers. Has dinner plates, serving bowls, soup bowls, rice bowls, porc spoons, chop stick rest. But it also has small dishs don't know what used for. 1 set is 3 7/8" the other is 3 3/8"

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Jun 24, 2012
Tatung saki set white with pink roses?
by: Cj

Hi, I need help with Tatung saki set white with pink roses. I'm actually not sure if its a Saki set or tea set. It has a beautiful kettle and six little cups with lids. A dear friend of mine gave it to me from her grandparents.

Thank you for your expertise.

Mar 05, 2012
ROC mark
by: James

Hey Peter,

I am well aware that the ROC still exists on Taiwan. I am very happy they just celebrated their Centennial last year. What I was saying is just that the mark "REP. OF CHINA" is no longer applied on porcelain. As for the UN, I don't think ROC could have stayed even if they wanted to. That is the sad but unfortunate truth. Don't like to get into politics at all...

Thanks for answering, James. :-)

Mar 05, 2012
by: peter

Hi James,
Sorry, but for once I beg to differ on several counts.
The Republic of China is alive and kicking.
The only change actually is that the formal name was changed from Taiwan Province, ROC, to Taiwan, ROC (the province status was abolished). Thanks to the rhetoric of communist China the world seems to be forgetting! The official name of Taiwan still is "Republic of China". And, the ROC was not 'replaced' in the UN by the People's Republic, but rather it left the UN on its own, angered by the admission of People's Republic of China to the UN. They did not want them to sit in the same organization. Sorry for mentioning this here... :-)

What concerns Tatung (this is is the correct English spelling they use), this is a well-known Taiwanese porcelain factory located in Taipei, which is still in production. Every Taiwanese knows them and has at least seen some of their products.
They use various marks. You will note that in the current mark the character for "ci" (porcelain) is different from what the Chinese use now. Possibly a remnant from the time when Taiwan was under Japanese rule. The Japanese still write porcelain with that character. In Taiwan, this character is now only used for bathroom ceramics and tiles.
That may be an indication that the set was made perhaps about the third quarter of the 20th century.

Mar 05, 2012
by: James

Based on the mark "REP. OF CHINA" which is not used now, this is from the period your father bought it for. Taiwan (Republic of China) was replaced by Red China around 1971 at the UN. And my guess is "REP. OF CHINA' mark was not used after that. The company is a well known porcelain company. The small dishes are for condiments or teacup holders I think.

Mar 05, 2012
by: Loree

As far asI know it was purchased when my father was stationed in Guam, So 1968-1972.

Mar 04, 2012
by: peter

The Chinese character mark says "Datung Ciqi" (or "Tatung porcelain", a fctory). Looks pretty new.

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