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Rose Canton or what could this be?

by Alex
(Los Angeles, CA, USA)

Rose Canton Bowl or what is it?

Rose Canton Bowl or what is it?

I'm going to an estate sale & have an opportunity to purchase this bowl. I have a connection, I'm a relative. They're asking $245.00, does this seem reasonable, unreasonable, should I pass, should I go for it? I've included the only photos of the item that I could get. Unfortunately, the focus of the two photos leaves a lot to be desired. Any thoughts, suggestions, advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.

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Feb 03, 2012
by: peter

I can see a piano with something on top, not much more.
For item evaluations detailed and closeup pictures are necessary.
Whether something is worth it depends much on whether it is authentic, a copy or new. And also on the condition.

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