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Real Tongzhi Vase?

by Evelyn
(New Orleans, LA)

I paid $30 for this vase that appears to have Tongzhi markings but I have a few doubts. Please, if anyone can provide insight, I am fascinated with any info you have!

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Jan 11, 2012
vase faces
by: Evelyn

Hi again and thank you so much for the information. It sounds like I have a $30 trinket on my hands. One thing I did want to point out is that the faces are outlined in red. Probably inconsequential, but if it does change anything please let me know! Best Regards, Evelyn

Jan 10, 2012
by: peter

Hy Evelyn,
I'm afraid you are right. This is far from being a Tongzhi item, or even being antique.

1. The shape of this vase or jar is not right for any Chinese antiques (all ages).
2. The mark is wrong for a Tongzhi mark. Tongzhi marks were applied in the form of seal stamps, usually.
3. The painting style is western.
4. The eyes and faces of real items are different. They are very easy to recognize because of their ghostly appearance. The eyes and faces are outlined in red. See this example for a typical Tongzhi item (including the mark):
Basically, your item does not show any signs of faking except for the spurious mark. It is a completely different type of item and possibly modern.

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