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Qing Tea Set?

by Mark Borun
(San Diego, Ca,, USA)

These matching bowls are very pretty, understated, and unquestionably genuine. I do not own them, but have offered to try and gather as much information on them as I can. The only thing I'm reasonably sure of is that they were made at the tail end of the Qing Dynasty (about the turn of the last century) and could be worth US$10K or so. What say the Grand Porcelainmeisters?

Mark Borun

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Jun 01, 2011
Qing Tea Set?
by: Mark Borun

I will try to re-shoot a picture of the tea set in a less than 1M format so that it will fit on your page. I don't think they are at all common...

Thanks, Mark

Jun 01, 2011
tea set
by: peter

We do not talk about values here... value is relative to many factors.
Anyway, please do a Google image search for "唐益源號". If it is this type of decoration, this is usually classified as republic period, but antique. I assume that virtually every collector has items like these.

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