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Qianlong Seal

by JJ


I was wondering if you could help me identify this mark; I believe the two rightmost characters denote Qianlong but I cannot identify the two characters on the left.

Based on some research I have noted that this stamp is unlike those from the Qianlong period in that it is red and only has 4 characters, as opposed to blue with 6. Any help identifying this seal, then, would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

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Jan 09, 2012
Qianlong mark
by: peter

Mark content: Qianlong Nianzao

You are right, this is likely a spurious 20th century mark. If it comes to porcelain, Qianlong reign marks were mostly handpainted in Zhuanti characters different from these. The majority I have seen is blue. Even those resembling seals are usually handpainted. Stamped porcelain mark in red only became popular in the second half of the 19th century. But, Qianlong marks like this one are mostly found on new porcelain or imitations of the later 20th century.

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