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Qianlong porcelain ???

by stephane



I am looking for the age of this porcelain. The seal saying come from Qianlond ages(end of 18th century) but I am not sure of it. I picked it up at Hong Kong a long time ago.

Also, please could you tell me if the drawn flowers is a lotus (to understand the meaning of the vase)?

Thanks for your site. It was very helpful for me to understand the basic of the Chinese porcelain world.


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Dec 13, 2011
by: peter

Yes, the marks says it is a Qianlong reign vase, and in these small pictures the mark seems to be right, in style and proportions. The color of the decoration seem to be fine too.
I would think this vase would warrant closer inspection, either by hands-on inspection or high resolution pictures taken under natural lighting (including detailed partial pictures).
It is difficult to be more conclusive regarding age or authenticity with these pictures alone.

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