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Probably a fake Ming Underglazed

by Kenny
(Singkawang, Indonesia)

Dear Peter,
This item I'm doubly thing is a fake Red Ming underglazed, compare to the other one you say that is a uncompletly creation... hahaha


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Sep 06, 2011
is this more genuine?
by: Kenny

Dear Peter,

compare to red Ming underglazed before, did you think this is more virgin, or what are your opinion? For my feeling the first one (uncompleted object) is more virgin than this one what are your opinion, rather you think both are fakes? I truly doubt it,

Best regards,

Sep 06, 2011
underglaze red porcelain
by: peter

The underglaze red was developed at about the same time as the underglaze blue, but there were never really great numbers produced. As far as I understand there were technical problems involved with that color, which only could be resolved much, much later. But, by then probably the wucai type decoration was already more popular.

Without a close look I won't say anything regarding this item, but generally said the probability that you find a genuine underglaze red item from that period is very small.

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