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Please Help on Identify the Dynasty which it Originates - Is it Worth?

by Felix Liu
(Los Angeles, Ca USA)

Success Mystry Pottery

Success Mystry Pottery

Hi Please help me 1. Interpret its meaning. 2. Identify the age of the emblem or WHAT Dynasty it comes from in China.

I would really appreciate it. I hope It is worth something. I have it in original form.

I can only identify right two words "Success"
what is the "left" two words and what do they mean?

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Oct 28, 2011
by: peter

There is no "success". This is a spurious "Chenghua" reign mark. However, its calligraphy is pretty bad, almost illegible. Nothing to worry about, though. This type of ware is known for this. It is likely late Qing dynasty/early 20th century, but a complete picture and some closeups would be required to verify this...

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