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Please help identify these items. Need help quickly if possible.

by Maria Cicchino
(Shanghai, China)

Hi Peter,
Can you please help me to identify these items I picked up in Shanghai?

I have tried to find info on the white see thru china but couldn't.
I have 4 pieces of 4 different shapes.

The blue cobalt plate with the egrets has a double ring mark underneath.
There is a tiny flaw of a piece of pottery stuck to it.

I am in Shanghai now and am thinking of buying the vase with female, there are 2 of them, about 16" high.
If you think they are real, what are they worth?
I forgot to take a photo of the bottom to see mark. What should I look for to see if these are authentic?

Thank you for your help.
kind regards,

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Dec 08, 2011
Chinese porcelain
by: peter

Hi Maria,
The pictures are a bit too small to see details, but these items look like imitations. The chance that they are genuine is remote. Don't buy if you didn't already.
99% of Chinese porcelain antiques on the market are fakes. They will swear that they are genuine, even if they are not.
Watch this:

If your current knowledge does not enable you differentiate between fakes and genuine antiques, then my advice is - don't buy in China. It is safer to buy abroad.

It is also recommended that you read this page and follow the links at the bottom.

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