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Please help identify these chinese vases??

by Shaun
(Colorado Springs, CO)

I'm inquiring about these chinese vases and am not sure what the date of them are or from what dynasty they are from. I have searched through many websites of markings and it appears that it's possibly Ming but again, I'm not sure as I'm not an expert. Thanks for any and all of your help!

There are 2 of these vases - they appear to be a matching set as they are identical images however, they are flipped on each vase as if there is a 'left' and 'right' vase if that makes sense?

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Aug 17, 2011
by: peter

Hi, the mark is unreadable.
These vases are 20th century. That is all that can be said from these small pictures. Many of the colors applied did not even exist inthe Ming dynasty.

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