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pair of blue and white teapots

by alwen
(west side of Michigan)

I found these two teapots in two different antique shops about 40 miles apart. I live in an area near Holland, Michigan, settled by the Dutch from about the 1830's onwards, so they might have been Chinese export porcelain to the Netherlands.

They have no marks at all on the bottom, and I am mainly curious whether they are Chinese export porcelain, or Dutch imitation of it.

The larger pot had been used as a plant pot and required a lot of soaking to get all the soil out of the spout and clean it up enough to use.

Anything you can tell me about my two new favorite teapots will be welcome.

I have uploaded additional photos to my flickr Photostream here:




right sides

left sides

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Feb 16, 2012
by: peter

If these teapots are Chinese, then they are second half of 20th century, in my view; rather later.

The main decoration could be anything, even Japanese or European. Only the top decoration band along the rim has any resemblance to Chinese decorations. Not an antique, though, if it is Chinese.

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