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oriental carved stone vase

by ann mcintyre
(united kingdom)

I have a oriental carved white stone vase very crudley made but the carvings are very detailed.

It is totally mishapen no glaze and feels like heavy chalk.

The carvings differ on every side of the vase

I would love any input you have to offer as my research

has not been fruitful

thanks ann

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May 20, 2013
not chalk, mine is like stone
by: Lawrence

I have just found a set of these that are exrtremely heavy and feel more like heavy ceramic . i have been told not ivory but maybe some sort of resin??? i am very interested in the outcome and am excited to hear if anybody has any other input.

Sep 13, 2011
oriental vase
by: ruby

i just got similar vase a few hours ago. the white stone is heavy and the chinese figures are all different. the similarity is on the scroll the sign with the flower. i know mine is real stone. there is a signature in which i cant read on one of the panel. I would like to know the value of this stone vase as it is so pretty... i will send paste photo when i got the chance..

Jul 28, 2011
carved oriental vase
by: wendyjo

gloria, whitch one do you have the plaster or the real one?

Jul 27, 2011
Identical vase

I have an identical vase and would like to know it's value.

Jun 18, 2011
I might have an orgional
by: Wil

I would like to up load a few photos plaese let me know how I can do that so you can see my vase

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Jun 18, 2011
I have one but it does not feel like chalk
by: Anonymous

Its rather heavy and has symbols carved in the mouth on top. I was looking to see how I could include photos but did not see were I could up load them.

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Jun 12, 2011
oriental vase (occupied japan) fisherman carving
by: wendy-jo margaret barager

I did not recieve an answer to my comment but it would appear that what you have is a mold of original vase fron occupation time (japan) the original was carved from a substance that came out around turn of century (1900) and was supposed to resemble whitestone. the original vase will Not crumble! what you have appears to be one of the plaster like casts of original and value wise would still be worth about 15- 25 dollars. they are not a common vase as this method did not work as you can tell with your vase. I would hang onto this tho because as i say there were not many cast, only a few that i am aware of so valu will prolly go up, the original carving was done by man who spent many years at sea carving the original,and was ahead of his time in thinking of casting this to make money! I would have liked to see more pics, especially of bottom to confirm.oh.. the original carving is not lopsided but looks like it is because he shaved off at bottom to even vase out and as a result the lines are thiner on one side than other and gives appearence of looking lopsided. I hope this has helped you as i have been single minded on this research for around 16years on this vase alone!!

Jun 12, 2011
Chalk vase
by: Phil

I have seen 1 of these vases on a stall at a car boot sale, it was priced at £2. I actually picked it up and handled it, it felt and looked like chalk.
If someone finds out that it is worth something then I will be sick that I didn't buy it that day.

Jan 22, 2011
stone carved vase
by: wendy-jo

Anne.. is there any way to get better pic of this vase PLEASE! I have only seen 1 other in many years of research! This would be very much appreciated!!!!!!

Nov 10, 2010
by: peter

Hello, I'm afraid we know little about non-porcelain products. It is suggested that you try as it seems more appropriate for this type of item.

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