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Old Clay Chinese Tea Set

by naomi hutchinson
(omaha ne)

Me and my boyfriend found an old clay tea set at a thrift store. It looks hand made and its a full set including 6 saucers, 3 larger cups, 3 smaller cups and a teapot. Each set of the different item has a differnet stamp seal on it. But the seal is consistant with all the others of that kind. The set seems to be clay and is painted jade in color. I've been looking all over the internet but cannot find any seals/stamps that look anything like these ones. Any idea of who the manufacturer was/is, date it was made roughly or any other information.

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Feb 14, 2012
by: peter

What you have is a green Yixing teapot.

The text on the box is "Dongpo Taoyi", the manufacturer's or merchant's name, while the mark on the bottom is probably the artisan. You will have difficulties finding the mark anywhere except specialized tea ware mark books, I'm afraid.

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