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Old Chinese Rice Compote or Pedestal Bowl?

by Charmaine
(Tucson, AZ)

I purchased this from a couple that were friends with a man named "Balls-on Jang" (Don't know the spelling, but I have spelled it as it sounded). They said he was someone important in the Beijing Museum years ago, and had moved to New York where they became friends. This was one of the items they bought from him over about 50 years ago. I would appreciate any input and your opinion.

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Jan 17, 2012
by: peter

Dirt is quite common on antique porcelain, especially if they were excavated. Sometimes they can't be cleaned.

But, please don't be fooled by the dirt. It is a common method to fake age, or making items look old.

Jan 17, 2012
Sorry it's so dirty,
by: Charmaine

I hadn't cleaned it yet when I took these pictures.

Jan 17, 2012
by: peter

50 years? I wonder if this is 20 years old!
This is a fake that is easy to recognize as such.
Actually it is a rather low quality fake. I'm afraid you have been had.
My advice is to never listen to the stories people tell about the items they want to sell. This does much to avoid many of the fakes.
I would also recommend reading up a bit about fakes, on this site.

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