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Old Chinese pottery

by Leonard
(Greenwood, B.C. Canada)

Found an old pottery vase(or urn)in an old house in Greenwood, B.C.,Canada.The vase has asian inscription all around the side of it.Thought that it might be Japanese since there was an internment camp there during the war. I took it to an elderly Japanese lady who told me that it was Chinese so then i brought to an elderly Chinese lady who then told me that the inscriptions were a very old Chinese language and that she was unable to translate. That is what brings me here, was hoping that someone would be able to tell me something about this vase or at least give me some suggestions as to where i can go to find out about it. Thank You.

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Nov 27, 2011
pottery item
by: peter

I cannot tell you much about this. The writing is in a calligraphic style that is very hard to read, even for Chinese.
Antiques never have this type of writing.
Further, with this shape the item cannot also not be antique; vintage at the most, in my view. From the shape it could be either a vase, or a spittoon.

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