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old celadon vase

by Nev
(Vancouver BC)

Real color more evident in the detail shots. Kind of washed out in this one

Real color more evident in the detail shots. Kind of washed out in this one

Hi all,
I have a very old celadon vase. I changed the pic so the full body shot is close to the real color now. The crazing is large and uneven around the body with a brownish line defining it. It was given to my grandmother (who is now dead 30 years) when she was young by a Chinese woman who told her it had belonged to her father in law for "a very long time". It has a very heavy glaze, as evidenced on the broken ring, where the profile can be seen clearly.

It is heavy, with a brown ring of clay visible around the base. It is obvious that it was fired in a kiln using very old techniques. It almost glows in the sunlight, the glaze is so thick. It has a kind of dimpled surface, I can onyl assume from how the glaze congealed in the firing. I would like to know if it is worth seeking out a repair to the broken ring and who one might approach to do this.

Also, if anyone has any insight into its age. Given the story my grandmother told me this would place its origins in the 19thC minimally aas she lived in remote isolation after 1918 when she married my grandfather and certainly did not come in contact with any Chinese women after that. Please Help me solve this mystery. I am happy with it the way it is. It is heavy and mysterious and imbdued with an other worldly presence in this day of flash and bing but I would love to know more of its story.

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Jan 28, 2012
celadon vase
by: peter

From these pictures it seems that you possibly have a Ming Longquan vase. And no, the rings are usually not loose.
In the first picture at the lower part near the foot, the green seems to have a different tint. If that is true and not an effect of lighting, then your vase may have been repaired at one time or another. But, that is difficult to tell for sure from the pictures.

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