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Names of ancient potters

by Susanne Andréasson
(Hålta Sweden)

I wonder about the actual potters who made the pottery, for example during the Ming-period. Are the history behind the objects known? Their names and how they lived and so forth. Thank you!

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Feb 07, 2012
Thank you Peter
by: Johannasus

I´m well aware of my ignorance regarding Chinese pottery, but I am doing research for a novel and need to know a bit more. I need names and persons, the people behind the beautiful porcelain.
I´ve found (on the internet) names of famous Japanese Potterfamilies but no Chinese.

Feb 05, 2012
by: peter

You should be able to find some common information online, via Wikipedia, etc. I assume, but I don't think much of it is what you really want.

I wonder if you understand the scale of Chinese pottery and porcelain manufacturing. We are talking about thousands and thousands of kilns. Some individual kilns systems had kilns in more than 500 locations. Others were active over 2000 years.

Chinese pottery making was always a collective effort:

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