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my mother's set

by Iben
(Seattle, Washington)

the whole set

the whole set

Hi these were bought in Hong Kong in the 1950's from a pawn shop - can you identify them?

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Aug 01, 2011
by: Anonymous

Thank you Peter! - we will get better pictures next time we visit.

You can find similar items by doing a Google image search for "rose medaillon" or "famille rose".

Jul 31, 2011
famille rose set
by: peter

Hi, this is a famille rose porcelain set.

If you want us to look at the possible age, I would suggest uploading pictures of an item each representing a specific type. The marks show that at least the spoons are from different eras.

What would be needed of each is an overall picture, a closeup of part of the decoration, and a picture of the bottom. Good resolution and lighting is essential for recognizing details.

You could upload the pictures to Photobucket and post the links here, as picture size of this blog is limited.

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