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My Late Mum's Beautiful Plate

by Keith Winnett
(Coventry England)

Hi There,
Among my Late Mother's Posessions is this Lovely Plate. It was hanging on her wall and I always thought it was Spode or something similar.

But on closer inspection it's from a company called Nochit or Hochit. The company motif seems to be a Cartwheel and there's a number "4344" under the name.

The Plate has a Hanger with a Seal to Join the Ends with a Stamp with the Initials "H P M".

The Decoration on the Front is lovely with a Wide Basket Weave Effect Embossed Band around a Lily with Golden Leaves and a Small Dragon Fly.

I would love to know more about it so that I could try to work out how she got hold of it.

I just have a feeling that it's possibly oriental, but I can't find the Hochit or Nochit name online at all.

Can you help?

Best Regards
Keith Winnett

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Sep 16, 2011
by: peter

Hello Keith,
This is an European plate.
I don't know anything about European porcelain, but the mark says "Höchst", which according to an Internet search is a German manufacturer established in the 18th century.
Hope this helps.

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