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MORE on oriental tea set.

by Kym archer

This is gonna be tough. I have know way to have a picture of the marks on the bottom of this set. In the earley to mid 60's my grandparents went to japan. They brought back a tea set. It is cobalt blue with two goldleaf iris's with stems( not goldleaf) on all pieces. The cups are no handled with lids there is also gold on the tiny knobs on the lids and gold pinstriping on lids , cups, the tiny bowls, sugar, and teapot all the same design. The teapot has a bamboo handle. I have searched everywhere and haven't seen this pattern anywhere. On the bottom there is two seperate blue markings.( I think it's stamped and not hand done) the top mark resembles a short trunked palm tree. Then under that is Japanese letters. I know u can't tell me what the marks r without seeing them, but has anybody seen or heard of the pattern I described

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Sep 28, 2011
tea set
by: admin

As the saying goes..."A picture is worth a thousand words".
Your description does not help us understand what you have; there are a myriad possibilities.

Please upload pictures to the blog or to Photobucket, and post the link here.


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