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monochrome plate

by James

Hi Peter,
Here is the other item I talked about. It is about 16 inches wide and 3 inches deep. Fairly well potted. You can see the underside center is not glazed and the seal mark is black. What do you think about this one?

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Sep 04, 2011
yellow plate
by: peter

Discovered your post with the plate only now.
That could also be a bit difficult item. What I would do is evaluate the whole item, and then look at the mark. But with monochromes it is often difficult to come to a definitive conclusion, because they have less points of reference for age evaluation, than with decorated ones.

I wouldn't place too much importance on the mark, as that could have been added later and fired at a low temperature, if it is on an unglazed bottom. I think the condition of the yellow glaze, bottom and foot rim are the most important things to look at here. They should be showing some age.
If these are all right for Qing imperial ware, then and only then should one consider the mark.
Again, overall quality would have to be imperial, as according to the mark this would have been used in the palace.

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