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Ming Porcelain Vase?

by Amy Louise
(Chatham, UK)

My grandfather somehow got hold of this when he was in Singapore in 1930s..
I've been told it could be Ming..
I just wanted to know what the Marks on the base mean?
And if anyone could tell me more about this vase..?

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Aug 14, 2011
by: peter

I doubt this is Ming, or even anything before the 20th century.
The mark says Ming Wanli reign, but there are problems. In the Ming dynasty drawing a dragon with five claws could only have been possible if it were for the palace. But one character in the mark was written in a specifthis mark is written as it would be written nowadays.
The prominent blue and red colors in what should be a Ming wucai decoration are also off the norm.
All in all, the impression is that it is 20th century vase, I'm afraid.
Please get a second opinion.

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