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markings on pitchers

by Stacey sprankle
(athens, ohio)

Dear Peter,

I posted two pictures a couple days ago of some marks, but I did not provide what they were on, can you provide information on the items...I have attached new pics of both the marks and the pitchers

Thank you

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Dec 04, 2011
by: peter

This type if Japanese marks is often not just an orange or ochre smudge, it has an oval or other shaped gilt outline.
I cannot make out whether the first character was intentionally mis-written, as some Japanese artisans apparently did to add their own features in their marks, to distinguish them from others. Basically, either of the characters could be a Kana character, although Kanji characters are more likely. Reading also varies with Japanese names, even when names are written the same. Here I would guess it is Nakamoto or something similar, if it is a family name. With a personal name there are more readings.

The teapot mark says "China Qinzhou", a place name. I was wrong concluding that it is an Yixing zisha teapot. Further research showed that Qinzhou has its own pottery industry.

Dec 03, 2011
by: Jason tyler

What does the markings say peter?

Dec 03, 2011
by: stacey spranke

The marks are gold and the smudge is a burnt Orange

Dec 03, 2011
by: peter

The style and decoration of the first item looks Japanese. The mark also does contain a Japanese name, is however a bit unusual as many such marks are framed in gilt. The images are too small to see details of the people, but I would think it is possible that this is an imitation of Japanese porcelain, or maybe Kutani.

The other is a Chinese zisha teapot as made in Yixing. The mark contains simplified Chinese characters that show that this item was probably made in the second half of the 20th century, or later.

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