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Little Asian bowls with Peaches inside

by Pris

bowl #1

bowl #1

Thank you for having this helpful site :)

I bought these little bowls at an auction this past week mostly because of the cute little peaches at the bottom of the bowls. When I went to pay for them I joked with the man in charge how I was going to use them for ice cream. He quickly said.."oh no...don't do that!" So trying not to sound to uneducated I said "I'm kidding, of course".

Now I'm at a loss, should I proudly display these in the hutch? Or would a bowl of cereal actually be in order?

Any information you have would be helpful :)


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Sep 26, 2011
by: peter

These pictures are a bit too dark and too few details are visible clearly.
From what I see I would think these are 20th century imitations.
The left mark looks unreal, as if it were added after firing, but generally, one-character marks were few. The colors and the way the eyes are painted also indicate that these are from a time later in the 20th century (2nd half), or outright fake antiques. The impression that it is a new fake antique comes mainly from the painted people, not the bowl itself. It could be that all or part of the decoration was added later, on an old bowl.
However, this is difficult to discern with these pictures, I'm afraid.

I wouldn't recommend to use them for any food. Old glazes are known to contain lead and, in the case of China I would use porcelain items only from the big factories, to be safe.

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