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Lidded Mug marked 1904 World's Fair Chinese Pavilion

by Rita

Can you tell me what the bottom markings on this mug say and also what the mark on the side of the mug means? I am trying to determine if this lidded mug could have come from the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair, Chinese Pavilion.

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Feb 07, 2012
by: peter

The bottom mark is the manufacturer's mark. I cannot read the name, though.
The large character on the front means "tea". This is made of zisha(purple) clay used commonly for teapots and cups. They are usually made in Yixing, China.
This looks fairly new, but I could not tell for sure if it IS new or old. The age of Yixing zisha wares is difficult to tell when there are no usage traces and they were well cared for.

I would try finding out whether there are any fakes circulating of these items. If there are then the chance that yours is a copy is high, otherwise it could be antique.

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