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Late 1800's Chinese Jar?

by Linda Merkich
(Highland Village, Texas)

I recently bought a chinese jar and was told it is from the late 1800's because the jar is marked on the bottom with a double blue circle. It does not look old but I am not sure. There are dark blue or black streaks around the bottom on the unglazed rim. Can you please tell me if it is real or not? I appreciate your help with this!
Thank you,
Linda Merkich

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Feb 07, 2012
Late 1800's Ginger Jar
by: Anonymous

Hi Peter,
I will try to load another picture of it tomorrow and hopefully it will be a good enough picture to see if it is a reproduction or the real thing. I appreciate your help!


Feb 07, 2012
ginger jar
by: peter

This is a ginger jar with plum decoration.
They were common during the late Qing dynasty and early republic, that is about the first quarter of the 20th century. The double ring mark was applied as decoration and is not indicative of when it was made.

Unfortunately, the bottom image of the thumbnail cannot be enlarged. Maybe you could upload it in a separate submission?
The side of the jar looks a bit too smooth and even, as if it were one of the newer printed versions. Don't know if it is just the effect of these pictures, or if it is in fact that way?

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