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Large Asian Bowl - Random Gold Flake

by Tim
(Ontario, Canada)

Would like someone to date Asian bowl. Appears to have applied gold flake in random areas. The other bowl I found with this one, is a Knight Elkin & Co. bowl from early 1820 which is why this asian bowl has my interest.

Thanks Tim / Canada

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Aug 15, 2011
Asian Bowl
by: Tim

Thanks for that information, Peter.
I learned a few new words today and how difficult identifying Asian pottery can be.
Certainly out of my league.
And I thought Roseville pottery was complicated.

Aug 15, 2011
by: peter

Hello Tim,
This bowl is in the "millefiori" (or mille fleur) style and has a spurious Qianlong reign mark.

The strong colors and the realistic painting style of the flowers, point to the third or fourth quarter of the 20th century.

I recommend you try to find other items with the same decoration by doing a Google image search using the two terms given above.

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