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"Kangxi" old base and new body - photos of the "new" body

by J.Lim
(Carlingford NSW)

Hi Peter

Following technical problems last night - images of the Kangxi bottle vase's exterior - shot in daylight.

Note the following:

-slightly grey and satin textured porcelain, which I thought was a bad sign, but I just acquired some Kangxi shipwreck wares with identical colour and satiny texture

-decoration painted in the Kangxi manner, with blue wash escaping the outlines like a modern watercolour-sketch

-is the shade of blue plausible?

-lack of rust spots or glaze voids on the outside, unlike on the base.

I hope you might be able to make some comment on whether this thingy looks like an "old base new body" job. Or if it is a copy, maybe it's a Dowager era copy?


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Oct 30, 2011
by: peter

slightly grey and satin textured porcelain
If you are talking about the white (whitish) base color then yes, that is normal. Can you read Chinese? If yes, this is what signifies the color tone in Chinese: (蛋殼青) that means the off-white color of duck eggs.

is the shade of blue plausible?
Blue tone like in the current image? Yes, seems all right. Kangxi porcelain used several levels of blue. This one is frequently found on export porcelain.

lack of rust spots or glaze voids on the outside, unlike on the base.
No rust spots or glaze contractions would be normal with Kangxi porcelain.

Burst glaze bubbles on the bottom would be normal with 18th century porcelain.
I would feel more comfortable with this bottom if it were Guangxu, however, it is impossible to say that all the time all items were perfect.

For me this is the same question as you apparently have. Body and bottom, do they fit together, age-wise?
Most likely they do, there are many exceptions to the rules, but without hands-on it is difficult to tell for sure.

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