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Kangxi? marked brass or bronze incense pot

by Gray

Hello Peter, I acquired this excellent looking incense pot. I just wanted to know what the characters were. And also the seal. Thank you very much.

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Mar 03, 2012
by: Gray

thanks for the response. It hasnt been painted over. The patina has been cleaned away. Would this change your mind about how old it is?

No, not really. But if it were antique, this would have greatly reduced its value. Basically I think the color is too bright to be an older type of metal.


Mar 03, 2012
by: peter

The characters along the shoulder seems to be many variants of the "longlife" character. The mark would mean it is Kangxi imperial, but in my view this is hardly more than a few decades old. Why was it overpainted? The color at the bottom looks more natural.

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