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Is my Plate a 18 Century Chinese Celadon?

by João Silva

This plate is carved with elevations, it has an mark on the middle of the back. It feels smooth on bottom, it has louds of age marks, the rim is really thin on the bottom.
Can someone help me about his authenticity?

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Feb 11, 2012
by: peter

Hello João,
The item at the link and yours are completely different. The celadon glaze and everything looks old.
With yours the style of the fish, the glaze and foot rim do not show any traditional styles.
And, the mark alone... May be you can enlarge it so that it is readable?
Anyway, the character "zhong", which is the only one I can see clearly, appears in almost no marks ever used before the mid-20th century. How could it be older? Maybe, what was in your family is something different.

Feb 11, 2012
Strange comments.
by: João Silva

Strange thought, that you say is young, when its has loads of aging marks, and is so consistent with one of yonghzjemg period. kinuta Glaze. Its on my family for 150+ years (how can you say its few decades old?). I just dont have enough camera for taking close up photos.

Please see the link below.

Feb 10, 2012
by: malaysia Alex Yam

this plate is 1960 to 1980

Feb 01, 2012
by: peter

The pictures are a bit too small to see minute details or the mark clearly. But from these pictures it seems they are at the most a few decades old.
The glaze, fish decoration, etc. is modern, not antique.

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