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Is it as old as it says and what does it say?

by Melissa
(Oklahoma, USA)

I purchased this punch bowl from a mini storage sale. At first I thought it just a pretty bowl. I was curious about the mark and decided to look it up on the net. Although I now know a little about the periods it could come from, I still dont know if its a fake. It is 12" wide and 5" tall, As you can see it is chipped. The gold on the top is all but worn off. What I think is enamel is very scatched from use in the bottom. Thank You for any imput. Melissa

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Nov 25, 2011
by: Tim

This bowl reminds me of the export ware made for the European market during the Qianlong reign. However, if this was the real article, it wouldn't have any marks on the base.

Nov 24, 2011
by: peter

Hi Melissa,
This is a beautiful bowl, but it has not any Chinese elements in the decoration. On the contrary, it looks more European. Only the mark is Chinese, but it is probably apocryphal.

I have seen a similar item before, and it was either European or European 'Chinoiserie'. If it was made in China, it would have to be modern, I think.

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