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Increasing history

by Constantin
(Sao Paulo, Brazil)

a set, 2 vases 11 inch tall, their core seems copper or bronze, no markings. One pretty deteriorated. There are 2 matching plates but those are with some other family members.

I inherited from my grandmother several chinese artifacts. The story goes that some 100 years ago or more her parents acquired those objects (apparently gifts) during an official visit of the russian imperial army, in which her father was a lieutenant colonel, to northern china. That story is probably true and I'm sure about the time because these artifacts already existed when she was born. I would like to have some degree of certainty beyond that story, so i could tell people what those artifacts are, time period, region, if they were common back then, anything that could supplement family history.
I appreciate any input and thank you for your patience and time.

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Feb 27, 2012
by: peter

If this were porcelain I would have doubts about the blue base color. But the top and bottom rim, as well as what is showing in one of the closrups appear to be brass or copper. Is the inside metal?
If it is, then this is enamel on brass base, not porcelain.
I do not know much about this. But it for sure looks old and very carefully executed. Much better than the average enameled brass items I have seen. I would recommend trying to find someone knowing more about enameled brass.

FYI, there is also enameled porcelain, that is enamel on a porcelain base, but this looks as if it were different.
Very nice items. Please take good care of them.

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