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I'm sure I have found a mark match but am curious about border.

by Robert Guthmann
(Atlanta, Ga. USA)

My Journey Began with this gift...

My Journey Began with this gift...

Hi Peter and All,

I have been sitting in front of my monitor for a day and a half trying to identify a mark on a bowl I got from family. I went back and forth several times convinced it was Japanese, then Chinese and back.

Attached is a match I found for the mark but I am curious as to why there is a single border on my bowl and obviously am also curious how old it is.

I can state only that the store name from the price tag has been out of business for decades apparently.

I love the hunt, but I feel like I am at an impasse and simply need a bit of a nudge to clarify the mark. It would be greatly appreciated and I would like to thank anyone in advance that may be able to add some input.

Many Regards,


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Sep 12, 2011
by: peter

Hi Rob,
The mark on your plate is for decoration only. It is not a period mark anyway, so whether there is a double frame around the characters is of no importance, I would think.
Looking at the painted decoration it could indeed be either Japanese or Chinese, but it would be modern, probably.

Would the Japanese put a Qianlong reign mark or any Chinese mark on an item made in Japan? In the past they did so frequently (at least they used Ming marks), but I doubt that this would happen on modern porcelain.
Thus, I would think this is rather a contemporary Chinese item with the mark being for decoration only.

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