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Identify these Yixing Teapot Marks.

by Collin
(Orange County, CA, USA)

These two marks were found on a huge Yixing Teapot. I don't know anything about it, except its really big (20") in perfect condition and looks like a work of art. Its got a Yuan Dynasty poem carved on the side of it. Its detail is amazing. Hopefully these marks will help me find out more about it.

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Sep 06, 2011
tea and yixing pots
by: Anonymous

Here is a bit more regarding this absorbtion of tea by the clay:
But, please also read the warning at the bottom on this page:
Just in case you are actually using such teapots, as some people do. :-)
One has to be discerning todays with Chinese wares today; some are toxic.


Sep 06, 2011
xu ji
by: James

I think the mark on the left says xu ji. But there are so many variety of marks in yixing pottery it is a different field than porcelain.

This is what I found online "Since the clay will absorb some of the flavor of the tea and thus enhance the flavor, it is important to drink only one kind of tea out of it. If the tea pot has any age to it, it should have a distinct residue of old tea inside." Of course nowadays collectors just collect them for decorative purposes and not for actual use.

Sep 06, 2011
yixing teapot marks
by: peter

Hi, I'm afraid I can't help much with Yixing marks because this is a completely different field from porcelain. Most Yixing wares are treated differently, by collectors, even in China. Usually, the marks are also not included in porcelain or pottery mark collections.

This said, the right mark reads "Shunwei" and is probably the name of the potter or artist, but I cannot read the characters of the left mark.
Let's see if another visitor can help.

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