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Identify the chinese big vase

by Alex J
(Vancouver BC Canada)

Hello Peter,

The Chinese big vase,size:13"
Could you please tel me
approximately how old it is and the price ?

thank you

Vancouver BC CANADA

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Nov 26, 2011
by: peter

I'm afraid the shape and painting are not congruent with a Qing dynasty item.
The painting style itself and colors all point to 20th century. Look at the faces and bright yellow color. They are signs of later manufacture.

Additionally, the foot rim and its color are not quite right. The rim is usually either wider or narrower. The dark color is often used by fakers to make an item look old.

Nov 25, 2011
Identify the chinese big vase
by: Alex

I should appreciate your help and advice regarding this chinese big vase.
This should be late Qing dynasty or Republic period ?
Thank you!

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