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Identify Qing dynasty snuff bottle

by Alex J
(Vancouver BC Canada)

Hello Peter,

I have the Chinese
snuff bottle,
mark on the bottom.
Could you please tel me
approximately how old it is and the price ?

thank you

Vancouver BC CANADA

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Jan 09, 2013
by: Sal Kahil

I have a similar one with nudity scene on it.
did you fund anything about the age?

Sal, this one is probably second half of 20th century, judging by the colors used. As the one you mention above, I don't think this could be very old either, a few decades at the most. (Antique ones are extremely rare because the Chinese are/were prudish and wouldn't have produced something like this, openly.) Most of what is on the market nowadays was produced in the last few decades, probably for export.


Nov 20, 2011
snuff bottle
by: peter

There is a specialized snuff bottle forum somewhere. You should be able to find it via Google.

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