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Identify Qing dynasty bowl

by Alex J
(Vancouver BC Canada)

Hello Peter,
I have the Chinese bowl,
Size diameter 18 cm, mark on the bottom.
Could you please tel me approximately how old it is?

thank you

Vancouver BC CANADA

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Nov 20, 2011
by: Tim

Hi, Alex,

The teal green enameled interior and bottom are common features of Qianlong wares. But the style of the floral design (the lotus motif is more common on Kangxi wares) make me think this item is much later.

My guess is it is from Guangxu to early Republican period. Those decades saw a revival of the early Qing wares.

Nov 20, 2011
by: peter

This bowl has a Yongzheng reign mark.
My guess is that it is 19th century, probably Daoguang or later, if it is old.
The blue interior was not popular earlier and is in quite a good shape. The painted decoration also looks more of a 19th century piece.
I would suggest you have someone experienced do a hands-on inspection to verify age.

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