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Identify marks

by Ping

Hi Peter,

I've brought this blue and white vase from the antique shop. The pattern is European scene as you can see.

The seller said this one is an old blue and white imported item from China.

It is not hand painted but is has very details on it.

It has marked "Louise XVI" I'm not sure is the pattern name or not. other marked "AO and number 277"

Please help me to identify this.


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Jan 31, 2012
Thank you
by: Ping

Hi Peter,

Thank you very much for your information.


Jan 30, 2012
by: peter

Louis XVI was a French king. I believe this is also the name for a French style, the same way as Victorian is the name for an English style for items made during the reign of Queen Victoria.

I don't believe this was made in China. Chinese export porcelain was too different. The Chinese would probably not have been capable to copy this to such a degree, unless this is a modern reproduction, made in China with modern methods. It could have some Chinese elements along the top rim, but this couldn't even go as European Chinoiserie. Please be aware of the possibility that the Chinese also are copying/faking European antique porcelain.

I would research European or French marks and designs on the Internet to find if this is a regular item.

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